Help Center

FAQ. In Waves Social

Q: I can't activate my account! It doesn't work!
A: You need to use your real email, if doesn't work, try to use your emails. (or we will send new activation email if does work. Also: Trash Mail emails are not allowed)

Q: I forgot my password. is it possible to reset it?
A: Yes. You need to click “Forgot your password?” On the login page.

Q: I can't change my username, how do I change it?
A: You need to contact XsoftBud or other admins to change it. You will get another password if your username is changed!

Q: What are the punishments for breaking the terms?
A: Strikes. The first strike you get banned for 7 days, the second strike you will get banned for 37 days, and the third strike, you will get permanently suspended!

Q: Why are there german texts?
A: it’s in german. So this website it’s german and english.

Q: Can I upload copyrighted content?
A: You SHOULD NOT upload any form of copyrighted content unless you have an permission from that said person or it is as a YouTube video form.

Q: Can i reupload someone's videos?
A: No, unless you have a permission from that person or it is a YouTube video form.

Q: do i report the content or user that's violates the terms?
A: You SHOULD report the content or the user that violates the rules. By simply clicking the “Abuse” button on the bottom of the website.

Q: How do i download Videos?
A: Go to someone's video and then download it.

Q: How do i delete my account?
A: You can delete your account by going to your profile, then “edit profile” and “Delete Account”.

Q: What’s a Verified user?
A: A verified person, also known as Moderator or Mod. It’s a user who the admin user viewed his profile. It can edit videos, and delete photos.

Q: What is “demoting”?
A: Demoting, is a moment when an Admin/Verified User will no longer be Admin or Verified.